The following Description of Duties, taken from the NETA Handbook, give information for both the Committee Chair and the Alternate.

Archives Standing Committee Chair

Summary: The Archives Chair and committee serves as the stewards of the NETA 65 Archives collection. They determine what to include in the Archives, working towards making the collection available to the greatest number of AA members as well as those in the public realm who have a valid interest in AA. They are also responsible for the preservation and safekeeping of the Area’s Archival collection. The Archives Chair and committee oversees maintenance of the Archives for displays and retains important Area records, contributed artifacts and memorabilia. The Area collection preserves and displays items related to AA history. Local historical material is sought out from old‐timers, past Delegates, committee members and others with experience to share.

Qualifications: It is helpful and desirable to have some familiarity with archival procedures or the willingness to learn the basics of such procedures. The office holder should have a good understanding of current copyright laws and a solid understanding of the anonymity principles of the Twelve Traditions.


  1. Administer the formal receipt and acknowledgment of contributions to the Area Archives.
  2. Organize and catalog contributions to the Archives and ensure that the Archives do not become a central collection point for miscellaneous odds and ends, ephemera or papers and is focused on limiting the Archives collection to materials of substantive and historical value.
  3. Report regularly to the Area Committee and Assembly about new material received, history projects and recording the contributions/distribution of Archives materials. Contributions and distributions are recorded in a manner that provides a clear accountability trail.
  4. Preserve and repair the collection and select representative samples for arrangement into traveling displays.
  5. Develop and maintain AA history presentations for showing at groups, districts, assemblies and AA sponsoredevents.
  6. Recruit qualified members to serve on the Archives Committee. Encourage districts and groups to establishArchivist or Historian service functions.
  7. Be responsible for both the physical and intellectual integrity of the collection. It is important to ensure theprivacy and protect the anonymity of members whose names are included in collected documents and digitaldata files.
  8. Gather current and historical information about AA, especially in the Area, and preserve it in a meaningful orderand ensure that Area Archives service activities are conducted in a manner that conforms to the Area 65 and GSO Archives Guidelines. Also ensure that copies of the guidelines are available for distribution as needed and posted to the website.
  9. Maintain accountability records of the inventory of the collection to properly record archives contributions. Provide copies of the inventory of the archives collection to the Archives Committee and Area Secretary.
  10. Display the Archives collection at Area assemblies and, if requested, at other AA events.
  11. Conduct AA history presentations and exhibit multimedia displays.
  12. Report regularly to the Archives Committee, Area Committee and Assembly about ongoing Archives Committeematters.
  13. Schedule, call and preside over meetings of the Archives Committee.