General Service Conference Reports

These are the final, anonymity-protected electronic (or scanned) versions of the General Service Conference Report as published by our General Service Office. The first General Service Conference took place in 1951, so the “1st Annual GSC Report” would be for 1951, the “50th Annual GSC Report” would be for 2000, and so on. Each of these years is referred to as a “panel”, so Panel 70 would refer to the year 2020. 

Southwest Regional Forum Final Reports

NOTE: These are the final versions of reports for the Southwest Regional Forum, which are held in odd-numbered years and rotate among the 11 Areas that comprise the Southwest Region. Full names are only of non-alcoholic Trustees and employees. As these reports are often transcripts, they contain a great deal of personal opinion and should not be construed as members speaking for an Area, or AA, as a whole.