Corrections Committee Meeting
Recurrence: 3rd Wednesday – Every Month
Time: 8:00pm-9:00pm
Meeting ID: 867 8509 9136
Passcode: 463901
Contact for more information

The following Description of Duties, taken from the NETA Handbook, give information for both the Committee Chair and the Alternate.

Corrections Standing Committee Chair

Summary: The Corrections Chair works with Corrections committees to take AA meetings and Bridging the Gap services to penal institutions and halfway houses. He/she keeps the area informed about correction facilities 12th Step activities and encourages members to participate. The Corrections Chair and committee help to provide a clearinghouse of information in the area with respect to local, county, state and federal Corrections services, coordinating the exchange of ideas and resources among districts. Additionally, the Corrections Chair and committee provide experience and assistance in developing projects that will further the carrying of our AA message through Corrections services.

Qualifications: Should have a good understanding of institution rules and regulations and be aware of Corrections guidelines.


  1. Coordinate and facilitate efforts of carrying the message behind the walls to inmates who have reached out to GSO for help through correspondence and other pleas for help.
  2. Assist all members of Corrections committee’s coordinate taking meetings to jails and prisons. Act as source of information for anyone who may encounter difficulty in being accepted by the institution as an AA member who is willing and trying to carry the AA message behind the walls.
  3. Provide information and the proper forms to AA members who would like to be approved by TDCJ, State Jails, County Jails, Federal Prisons or other places. Assist with forms from GSO to join the CCS (corrections correspondence service).
  4. Make appearances at groups, districts and area functions to talks and participate in any Corrections Committee related work.
  5. Chair the NETA Corrections Conference each year (includes planning, organizing, selecting conference site, lining up speakers, setting up the program, selecting all the participants and generally following up from beginning to end). Conduct corrections workshops to inform AA members how to begin carrying the message to alcoholics behind the walls. Encouraged to attend National Corrections Conference.
  6. Work with CPC to develop necessary joint subcommittees (i.e.: DWI programs, youth orientation programs, etc.).
  7. Work with state and federal facilities to let them be aware of contact lists and assist in placing AA literature incorrectional facilities. Provide AA literature and guidance to correctional professionals.
  8. Coordinate the means for inmates to “bridge the gap” from prison into the larger AA community.
  9. Maintain directory of NETA 65/Region Two correctional facilities and ensure contact with all State correctionsfacilities in the area.
  10. Maintain contact list of groups and individuals, including District Corrections Chairs and Group Corrections Chairs,currently bringing AA to correctional facilities. Maintain contact with other Texas Areas Corrections Chairs.
  11. Maintain pre‐release sponsor list and handle requests for pre‐release sponsors.
  12. Corrections Committee Funds are maintained by the Area Treasurer. Corrections Committee Chair shall have adebit card or other access as agreed by Area Treasurer and Corrections Committee Chair.All contributions that are designated as Orange Can/ Inmate Literature and can be used only to purchase AA literature for distribution to inmates. All contributions that are designated as Corrections/ Corrections Committee may be used to purchase AA literature or other expenses, for example for Corrections Chair or designated representative attending the National Corrections Conference or for seed money for NETA65 Corrections Conference.
  13. Coordinate with the Area Treasurer regarding funds available and accurate accounting of all fundsexpended.
  14. Ensure the purpose of the Orange Can Fund is known and available to all NETA 65 members, groups, anddistricts. Provide Orange Can to all who request one.
  15. Assist the Area Treasurer in keeping NETA 65 members, groups, and districts informed on correct addressfor Corrections and Orange Can contributions.