**Postponed** GSR & DCM Orientation
Group 1 5103 Old Jacksbro Highway, Wichita Falls, TX, United Stateshttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83351344544?pwd=NTJpM2pnRTZtdzhieGJ6emU3OERQZz09
Meeting ID: 833 5134 4544
Passcode: 098446
Meeting ID: 833 5134 4544
Passcode: 098446
Meeting ID: 833 5134 4544
Passcode: 098446
Enjoy the atmosphere of fellow area trusted servants while finding support and learning the structure and procedures of our Area 65 organization. We want to thank you for your serve in AA and help you integrate into your new position. We will have materials and presentation to help you navigate through uncertainty. We will also […]
Enjoy the atmosphere of fellow area trusted servants while finding support and learning the structure and procedures of our Area 65 organization. We want to thank you for your serve in AA and help you integrate into your new position. We will have materials and presentation to help you navigate through uncertainty. We will also […]
Enjoy the atmosphere of fellow area trusted servants while finding support and learning the structure and procedures of our Area 65 organization. We want to thank you for your serve in AA and help you integrate into your new position. We will have materials and presentation to help you navigate through uncertainty. We will also […]