Treatment Committee Meeting
Virtual Meeting via ZoomRecurrence: 4th Tuesday - Every Month
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm
Contact for more information
Recurrence: 4th Tuesday - Every Month
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm
Contact for more information
BootCamp 1: Mock Committees Flyer The Delegate will host a Mock Committee BootCamp orientation/training once each year in Panel 75 just before the Spring Assembly to help all Assembly attendees understand and prepare for their participation in the Mock Committee Process at the spring Assembly.
You are invited to join NETA65 Accessibility 1st Quarterly Speaker Meeting! We are honored to hear from Glenn R. Sobriety 5-14-2017, from South Macomb Group in Detroit MI, who will be speaking on his accessibility to the 3-sides of our Triangle: Recovery (AA Steps), Unity (Meetings) and Service (Service Work) during his paraplegic incident! Event […]
Orientation/Training: Mock Committee Chairs / Co-Chairs / Scribes - Flyer ENG | Esp Working in concert with the Delegate, the Alternate Delegate will have oversight of a Spring Assembly mock committee training program. This pre‐Assembly training for trusted servants selected by the Delegate to serve as mock committee Chairs, Co‐Chairs, and Scribes, is designed to […]
-Spanish speaking zoom. Area 65 Comite de Informacion Publica07:30 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every month on the First Monday Meeting ID 839 3461 0982 Passcode 623357
Please join us for our Spring 2025. We will need your involvement in mock committees to help represent NETA65 wants for the upcoming 2025 General Service Conference! This helps keep our conference Delegate representative informed of the Area's desires. Hotel rooms at group rate available until Feb 21, 2025 - NETA65 Booking link Agenda Zoom […]
English speaking zoom. NETA 65 PI Monthly Meeting Jan 20, 2025 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada) Every month on the Third Mon, until Dec 21, 2026, 24 Meeting ID 854 4188 3616 Passcode 329611
Join the PI Committee Meeting the 3rd Monday each month to share and get the lates information for area AA public information methods, events, and opportunities. Meeting ID: 889 7249 5179 Passcode: 089098
3rd Wednesday of every Month 7pm - 8pm